If you want to remove any component or remove its connection just double click on respective of a component of wire. For connection of one component to other clicks left of first one terminal of component and drag it to other components. After the selection of components make the circuit layout of your project and connect all these components with the wires. I have also selected some components for designing of a simple circuit. When you will select components for your project you will see them in a box shown in the below figure. As I type button and you can see a button in right figure that different buttons are shown you can select according to your use. When you will click on the P button you will see box shown in the below figure. It is used to select different components for circuit construction. When you will click on the Icone of installed Proteus in your computer then you will see this window from a new file option. Friends, now we discuss the layout of proteus and will discuss sections and their functionality in proteus. It also provides features related to the three-dimensional view of design in PCB. And second is ARES that used for designing of a printed circuit board. First is ISIS that used to design and simulate circuits. There are 2 main parts of proteus first is used to design and draw different circuits and the second is for designing of PCB layout. Using proteus you can find different parents of circuits such as current, a voltage value of any component and resistance at any instant which is very difficult in a practical circuit. The electronic tools that are very expensive can easily get in proteus such as an oscilloscope. There is zero possibility of burning and damaging of any electronic component in proteus. Circuit simulations provide the main feature that some components of circuits are not practical then you can construct your circuit on proteus. PROTEUS 8 TUTORIAL PDF SOFTWARE
The possibility of error is less in software simulation such as loose connection that takes a lot of time to find out connections problems in a practical circuit.Designing of circuits on the proteus takes less time than practical construction of the circuit.There are numerous benefits to simulate circuits on proteus before make them practically.With the use of this engineering software, you can construct and simulate different electrical and electronic circuits on your personal computers or laptops.
By using proteus you can make two-dimensional circuits designs as well. It was invented by the Labcenter electronic. Proteus is used to simulate, design and drawing of electronic circuits.
So let’s get started with Introduction to Proteus.
In today’s post, we will have a detailed look at its uses, structure, and will learn how to make different circuits in Proteus.
In 1988 the first version of Proteus known as PCB-B was created by John Jameson who was chairman of the company. The use of proteus for any electronic circuit project makes that project cost-effective and less errored due to schematic construction on the proteus. It used to design different circuits on PCB (printed circuit board) and simulation of different circuits. It is a circuit designing software invented by Labcenter Electronics.
This is the first tutorial of this proteus series in which I will give you a detailed introduction to proteus and its different elements. In today’s tutorial, we will have a look at Introduction to Proteus. I am going to start a new tutorial series on proteus software. Hello, friends, I hope all of you are enjoying your life.